The major dates of French confectionery...
1270: Régnaut-Barbon registers the status of the « oublieurs », makers of « oublies » and light pastries : the « oublieurs » are the ancestors of confectioners.
1348: creation of the cake from Savoie by Pierre d’Yenne, master cook of the Duke of Savoie Amédée II.
1351: Ordinance of King Jean II with a list of pastyries produced at that time : oublies, estrées, darioles, flans à la crème, ratons, glimbettes, craquelins ( water biscuit ), etc…)
1440: the « licorn » becomes the symbol of the oublieurs.
1485: a new status for the confectioners is published mentioning off days such as Saint Michael day in honor of the protector of all confectioners.
1533: Catherine de Médicis introduces ice-creams in France ( at her wedding with Henri II )
1540: Popelini creates puff pastry
1566: the « oublieurs » become « confectioners ». The apprenticeship lasts 5 years and they have exclusivity for the production of meat, fish and cheese loafs.
1630: Claude Gelée a French painter, may be the inventor of the foliated pastry.
1638: creation of the amandines by Ragueneau.
1660: Vatel, cook of the Prince of Condé invents crème Chantilly (whipped cream).
1686: opening of Le Procope,the first café in Paris. Tea, coffee, chocolate and ice creams are served.
1740: Stanislas Leczinski invents the Baba au Rhum (starting from the kugelhopf).
1746: invention in Italy of the frangipane (almond-based pastry stuffing)
1760: the confectioner Avice creates the grilled puff pastries and ramekins.
1778: foundation by Mr. Miche of a nougat factory in Montélimar.
1784: Anthonin Carême, cook of Talleyrand is a big promoter of modern confectionery. He authors the « royal confectioner ».
1793: creation of the macaroon from Nancy by the ladies of the Holy Sacrament.
1800: creation of the Genoa bread.
1803: creation of the pelletizing.
1805: the cornet decoration, an idea of Lorsa a confectioner from Bordeaux.
1808: today’s brioche is made by the Maison Félix in Paris.
1820: invention of the piping bag (replacing the large cornet).
1825: création of the St.Génix brioche.
1826: publication of the book by Brillat-Savarin: « Physiology of taste ».
1830: invention of the ice-cream machine by Nancy Johnson.
1840: Chiboust, a confectioner from rue St. Honoré creates the « St.Honoré ».
1846/1935: Auguste Escoffier, a famous cook, authors several books.
1848: the Julien brothers create « le Savarin » and « le Trois Frères ».
1850: Siraudin a confectioner from Paris invents the ganache (chocolate-based filling).
1856: the Frascatti confectioners invent « la religieuse ».
1869: Sergent, a confectioner from Paris becomes the millefeuille (Yarrow) specialist. The compression refrigerating machine and the margarine are invented.
1870: the rules of pasteurization are defined (Louis Pasteur).
1872/1965: Curnonsky is nicknamed the « prince of gourmets ».
1879: Charabot creates the first Christmas bûche (log).
1882: creation of the candied chestnuts by Clément Faugier.
1890: creation of the bourdaloue pie (an apple and pear pie) by Lesserteur.
1900: creation of the « Peach Melba » by Auguste Escoffier.
1905: creation of the « puits d’amour » (the love well) by Paul Coquelin.
1919: creation of the technical education and professional courses for confectionery apprentices.
1924: first ice cream factory in France.
1930: Boissier, Bourbonneux, Coquelin, Latinville, Ragueneau and Rey are among the most famous confectioners in Paris.
(source: Patissmania)